
These presentation files have been created by Andy Baker or by FIRST teams asking to have them hosted here. They have been presented at various FIRST-related events. You are welcome to use these as needed, to further robotics education.

History and Use of the AM14U4 Kit of Parts Drivetrain in FRC by Andy Baker (2020)

Snow Problem Ri3D Technical Walkthrough by Snow Problem (2020)

FIRST Capital Ri3D AndyMark Product Debrief by FIRST Capital Ri3D (2020)


Overall Robot Design for FTC by Andy Baker (2015)

Great Robot Designs in FRC History by Andy Baker (2016)

Designing A FIRST Robot, A Team Approach
by Andy Baker (2009)

Holonomic Drivetrain Design by Ian McKenzie and Andy Baker (2008)

FIRST Robotics Drive Systems by Andy Baker (2008)

History of Design in FIRST Robotics by Andy Baker (2012)

How to Host an Off-Season FRC Event by Chris Fultz and Andy Baker (2015) (document)

FIRST Tech Challenge Drive Train Testing by FTC team 3486, Techno Warriors Advanced

Ed's Machine Shop Notebook by Edouard Forcier, III

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